Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 11, 2014


“Around The Campfire”

Hello all! Hope God’s blessings have been with you as I hope your prayers have been strong and heart felt.

The Crusaders I must give a tilt of the old hat too. Ya see last Sunday (04-27-14); the team was to be at the National Western Stock Show’s coliseum to help with the “Whiz kids” annual “Whiz Kids Rodeo”. It is a day that intercity kids get a once in a lifetime experience of the western life style. Understand these kids must earn the right to be there. “Whiz kids” is a faith based mentorship program serving about a thousand at risk 3rd through 8th grade intercity kids. The tutoring time is spent at a local church; it is a third faith, a third education and a third fun. State Governor John Hickenlooper has stated that whiz kids was the most successful program Denver has in helping students stay in school.

On Sunday morning it was raining/snowing, windy and cold out. It would have been very easy for any of the team members to stay home in warmth and comfort. Instead of loading gear, animals, trucks and trailers and driving all the way downtown, but each person held to their word. The oppressor did not have his way given this day. See the Devil loves to make things hard for those that try and do the work that the Lord has set before them. Angles gaze upon the scene, and heaven and hell await the issue. A lot of folks would do more prayin’ could they find a soft spot for their knees. Not the true believer, he who has poured out all thoughts of self and seeks too the love and kindness of others. “Freely you have received, freely give.” Matt. 10:8 nkjv

Christianity survives because it faces all of life, including the evil and wickedness of this world, it’s the whole picture. Christianity affirms that through all the trouble, pain and confusion there is a good outcome. The smiles will out shine the sorrow. A flower will grow up out of the mud.

Nobody can live successfully in this world without being strong, by the grace of God. Sooner or later the horse of life is going to give you a little buck or it’s going to buck so hard it rattles your teeth and unseats you right out of the saddle. In these times of adversity we must be strong in our faith, in all that is Jesus Christ, knowing that he is always with us and to not be afraid. As Christians we know his voice and come when he calls but, this means that we are acting upon his true calling and not just of our own feelings. This relationship comes from studying his word and prayer. This is the relationship that is above all others. Sometimes I think they are great virtues, to be strong and courageous. I think it is an outward expression of a great and powerful faith that comes from within. The Savior, unseen stands beside us as we help those who know not of this strength and courage or have yet to learn where it comes from.

I give thanks to the Lord for knowing all of you and honored to be riding this same trail with you. You all remind me of what I should be. With all my heart, may God bless you.

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matt. 6:21 nkjv

And may it be so in the name of

Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

Cowboy Pastor: Ty

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2, 2014

Crusader’s Devotional
Around the Camp Fire
Sunday March 2nd, 2014

Hey everyone! I would like to thank you very kindly for responding to devotionals of the past. I feel honored and blessed with your kind words of enjoyment and encouraging feedback. I’ve got to tell ya that I have been doing a lot of studying lately and I’ll share an event brought that brought one of the Old Testament books right to life for me. A friend and I were bare backing our horses on last Sunday, when all of a sudden I left on an unscheduled flight. Seems something spooked our horses and before for you could say “what spooked them?” my hands were empty of reins and filled with dirt. I know that Virgil could out buck a bobcat whose tail is on fire; I wish it were a buck, at the least I would have something to hang my hat on but it was just a little crow hop and a spin. But, riding bareback I slid off so fast all I can give witness to is the sky the sun and how hard the ground was. I first landed on my rear end then my back, followed by my head in a close photo finish. I had to harrow up the arena the next day just to remove my body imprint in the dirt. I got complacent. I went my own way.

If we look at the Book of Jonah, the reluctant prophet, then take a good look at ourselves a lesson might just be learned on becoming complacent and indifferent. Seems that Jonah was Proud, stubborn, disobedient, unfaithful a grumbler, all in all bad tempered. Now God called on Jonah to go to Assyria and tell the Ninevites of their coming doom. They were living in spiritual darkness, God wanted the people to repent and come to him. Jonah was Jewish and thought of the Ninevites as pagans, human garbage that were “Untouchables.” To flee God’s calling, Jonah jumped on a ship going the other direction. God went after Jonah with a vengeance, causing a wicked storm. Jonah confessed what he was up to and the crew threw him over board into the sea. A “Great Fish” was appointed to swallow up Jonah. As it would be Jonah was in the fish’s belly for three days and three nights. Side note; once Jonah was thrown from the ship the immediate calming of the storm brought the ships crew to faith and salvation as a result of the observation of the power of the Lord.  Not to take the long way around the barn, Jonah went to the Ninevites and preached.

Now, as people don’t we sometimes take it upon yourselves to do as we see fit? Rather then living under the protection of God’s word. Then when things don’t turn out the way we were hoping for we curse the Lord, when all the time we find that we are way out of bounds. Freedom does not mean the freedom to do whatever we want whenever we want; freedom is to do what is right when the timing is right.

We are too occupied with our own whims and fancies, too taken up with passing things.  Rarely do we even conquer one of our vices; are we filled with the passion to enhance our relationship with Jesus day by day?

We would enjoy much peace if we did not concern ourselves with what others say and do. Just believers depend on the grace of God rather than on their own wisdom. Why do we converse and gossip among ourselves when we so seldom part without a troubled Conscience?  These things Jesus warns us about. Jonah’s live tells us about the heart aches of disobedience.

I know I should have warmed Virgil up before just jumping on. Its winter, the horses are fired up, feeling good and have lots of unused energy.  I know this, but I went my own way and took a hard fall. The fall I’m asking you not to take is the road of self satisfaction and going your own way. It will only end in a hard fall. Take the hand of Jesus and there will be no falling.

Thanks to the Lord for the wisdom of his words,
And the lessons well learned.
In the name of Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.
Pastor Ty

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Around the Campfire


Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope ya all enjoy this day to remember and be remembered by all those that we love. Isn’t it funny how fast time fly’s when we are with the ones we love or if we are doing something that we have a great passion for. Thinking of time “flying” by, early one morning I got stopped at a train crossing and boy it was a long one. It got me looking at each train car as a year or memory of my life. It was like watching my past and present pass right before me. Then all of a sudden it had all passed by, nothing left but the darkness and flashing red lights. I got to thinking what appeared to be so long went by so fast then, BAM it was done. In a shining moment it came to me that it is vanity to wish for long life and care little about a well spent life. I believe that many words do not satisfy the spirit; but a good life and clean conscience inspires great trust in God. Seems many err and accomplish little or nothing at all, because they try to become learned rather than well lived. On that coming day of judgment, I doubt we will be asked what we have read but what have done , not how well he have spoken but how well we lived. 

How many will fall because of vain worldly knowledge and to little care for serving God. If you do God’s will and not your own, you are truly learned. We should not ask who is talking but mark what is said. Men pass away but the word of the Lord remains. As you study the Bible, read it with humility, SIMPLICITY, and faith. Never desire a reputation for being well versed. A true heart at peace is found in resisting temptation, not satisfying it.  There is no peace in a worldly man, the one who seeks vain attractions, but peace is within the spiritual man.

As your train goes by what will you see? Make every car count. Love with all the passion you have while in the moment. Don’t take blessings for granted. Care about more than just what concerns you. Give your time and knowledge freely. Do not open your heart to every man, but discuss your affairs with one who is wise and fears the Lord. It is good for us to have troubles and trials at times, it reminds us that we control very little. Always look to Jesus and be thankful for his mercies. Always remember that lost time will never return.  

What will you think of next time you’re stopped by a train?

Go with God.
Pastor Ty

Thursday, February 6, 2014


“Around the campfire” Cowboy Ministry
Not to many decades ago, horses and mules were used to supply all the power to work the land. They pulled plows, racked hay, skidded logs and moved wagons full of heavy freight. They worked through out the year. Breaking the hard ground in the spring, not only would a man and his family work farming the land, but they had to be horseman as well. Every once in a while these beast of burdens would do some act way above the “call of duty”. Years ago, my grandfather would tell me of stories that always started out “seemed like it was just yesterday”. See, he came from a family farm in Minnesota and my grandmother came from a family farm in Iowa.   
I remember one story of “Fats” and “Miss. Ice” a drat team that would faithfully perform everything asked of them under the adverse weather conditions of southern Minnesota. One day as my grandpa was working on some repairs on the barn, he could hear the whinny of Miss Ice trying to get his attention. Grandpa went out of the barn and saw Miss Ice but nowhere was fats. For he know some thing was wrong “in his gut”. His team of horses were always together, rather hitched up or not.
Grandpa went looking all over the farm looking for Fats. At the very north end of the farm was small lake. Grandpa heard a small faint almost weak whinny. We walked around the willows and found Fats in some quicksand. Only fats shoulders, neck and head were above the quick sound. Quickly, Grandpa went to the neighbor’s farm to get help.
Grandpa and his friend (Will) hitched up Will’s team and grabbed a couple of ropes. Grandpa carefully got the two ropes around Fats chest and Will’s team slowly pulled the cold and stressed Fats from the deep sand. Well, Fats was blanked and placed in his stall next to Miss Ice, so he could warm up and claim down. Grandpa, Grandma and the neighbors gathered in the kitchen for coffee, pie and of course the retelling of the rescue. Grandpa said he was grateful for the warning whinny of Miss Ice and that I should always keep an hear out for the “warning whinny” rather it be from horse or from the Holy Spirit himself.
A few weeks ago, I meet a young man (Mid-twenties) that had a learning disability that made reading very hard for him. He could read at about a second grade level. He asked if he could read to me this book he had been working on. I listened as he read his book that consisted of about ten pages with large lettering and single syllable words. Although he read the book with pride that he could do it, I could hear the “warning whinny.”
Mr. Bowls who just found his faith and was baptized last week (Praise the Lord) but ya can’t help but notice that Mr. Bowls is shinning brighter then the headlights of a Ford 550. Remembering the story of the faithfulness of the horse team, I thought of a plan. I asked Mr. Bowls if he would help this young man with his reading, he was only to honored and happy to do so. I went and found a children’s Bible, complete with simple words and drawings. A couple of days later, I saw Mr. Bowles and the young man sitting
on the ground reading from the book given them. What better way to learn to read then to read the words of God?  I was so humbled by the display of love by one man and the courage of the other, that I could fell the hardness of my heart crack away. The Holy Spirit is everywhere if you look to see and open yourself to be used for the purpose of the one who forever loves you and will give you victory over every evil if you will only walk with him. Listen for that “warning whinny” of the Holy Spirit and act upon it, whether it is by actions or words, for your own good or someone else.
When Christ went to the cross, he set all believers free. That is what he meant when he said, “Now will the ruler of this world be cast out.” (Jn 12:31). Pray and when you’re done, pray again. Then you shall see and hear things that were invisible to you before, you will hear that “whinny” that ya feel in your gut. Then do what must be done. The Labor is great and the laborers are few. Have courage and do not be afraid. We are children of God and are never sent alone.
By this all men will know that you ride for me, if you take care and love one another.
Blessed be thee.
In the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, January 13, 2014

Jan 13 2014


“Around The Camp fire”

I must admit that I took some time off. Not time away from God but time away from “it all”. The Advent season I spent a lot of time praying, studying God’s word and waiting. I felt that I needed time to make sure of my mission. Sure of what God wanted me to do. We must never use feelings to justify what we are doing but know that it is he that works in us to produce the fruit that comes from our seed, the seed that he gave us. I would like now to share a story that showed me who I’ am and where I’m should be.

I would say about thanksgiving time, the board members of the Crusaders came aware of a horse in need of help. Not just help, but life saving help. It was Cindy who first took “Rusty” in. When I say in, I mean to love, protect from the cold give medicine too and feed very carefully. An around the clock job. Then Crusader board members voted to adopt a very skinny, sick horse that had a small chance of come back. “Rusty” was a good horse with lots of spirit that gave one Crusader girl, Maize, some memories that will last a very long time. 

The board members knew it was no easy choice, money is always the issue, but in this cause they voted to try and help a horse that the Vet didn’t even know what the problem was rather then the team being able to ride in the stock show parade. Board members Tracy, Carmen and Robert spared no coast of time or money on hay and vet bills to try and help Rusty. They set up a stall with the help of team member Mike to give Rusty a stall with shelter and heated automatic water. They hand cut the grass from a large bail of hay cause that’s the way Rusty liked it. Rusty was watched around the clock. Taking his temperature, checking on his water consumption, making sure he was eating all his meds. As all things Rusty belonged to God and God called upon Rusty to go home. I’ve said this in the past, but in my fifty years I’ve seen a lot of good horses called home. I know God must have a stable like no other. Like people he takes them home when they must be needed most because we sure do miss them down here.

Rusty stood for more than just a horse, and taught us a lot more that just riding. Rusty reminded us of putting others before ourselves. He taught us that sometimes you see people at their best when things are at their worst. People willing to give until it hurts. That’s when you see people at their best. When it’s about nothing else but pure love. Tears fall from sadness and joy but when they fall from lost love, those tears are not in vain but rather at being our best despite the odds. Fighting the uphill battle, taking it on the chin and giving glory to God what ever the outcome might be.

My only question is are we giving all we have for Jesus. Giving till it hurts, pouring ourselves out till we fill empty? Fighting the good fight no matter where the battle may be, rather if there are thousands around to watch or if there is no one but us and the devil himself. Are we giving it all we have? Are we giving all we have for love or are we saving the best for our own interest. As for those people and that horse, we are small but we are mighty. Praise the Lord.

May the love of Jesus help all of us to reach out for more than ourselves.

In the name Of our Lord Jesus of the Nazarene.

Cowboy Pastor Ty