Monday, October 29, 2012

10-29-12/ MONDAY
A few years back we had a filly that one of my daughters was going to train for barrel racing. As with many young uneducated horses, this one had a few corks. The one I found most bothersome was her not willing to be tied out. I feel there is nothing more crazed than to tie your horse to a hitching post only to have it throw a fit. Not only is it a danger to itself and you, but its pretty hard on the tack and hitching post as well. So, I had a friend show me a “for sure and certain way” of tying the filly out that would brake her of this terrible habit.
The very next day I put theory to the test. I tied the filly to the hitching post just as I was shown to do. I stepped back and looked at the filly and the way she was tied and thought this just might work. She raised her head a little bit and stepped back, only to realize that the new pressure she found was not much to her liking so she stepped forward to where she should be. The filly did this about three times and then just stood in place and looked at me as if to say “uncle”. Proud of myself and the newly educated horse, I thought I would let her stand there for a while till she learned respect and I would go into the house for some lunch. I let my guard down, thinking I had one this battle.
When I returned I found not only the filly missing but the hitching post had hightailed it as well. I went and found her on the other side of the property, grazing with the hitching post in tow about ten feet behind her (humbled once again). My Grandfather used to tell me “If ya want to hear God laugh just tell him your plans.” And  it is the same with spiritual warfare. Just as soon as ya think ya got her tied down, she’s up and running again.

We must all understand that spiritual warfare is a war between two kingdoms and that God gave us free will. You and I have to choose whom we serve. The evidence of what kingdom we serve is heard in our words (Mat.15:1). “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12). High places? Your thinking, high places are the minds and thoughts of man. One of the strong holds of the enemy is the inability to access forgiveness.
We all will face hatred, resentment; fear, bitterness, rejection, jealousy and envy just to name a few. Our enemies are not other people, but in Satan and he will test us to find our weak walls. There are those of us that want the profit but do not want to pay the bills. We surly want forgiveness when it comes to our actions but will not forgive the actions or words of another. We feel that their injustices are far greater then ours. All warfare is based on deception. A smart warrior can defeat a strong one. The Lord’s wisdom is our greatest weapon. God tells us to love. Love begets forgiveness. We must give away the very thing we want.

Remember: When cowboys are too old to set bad examples, they start handin out good advice.
                                      May God our heavenly father bless and hold you well.
                                      In the name of our savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene
                                                      Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, October 22, 2012

Week of 10-22-12 MONDAY

I was out lunging the big gray gelding, when through the dust rising up I could see the faint outline of “Wyoming” standing at the rail as if he was evaluating every step of the gray and every movement of mine. Then Wyoming would turn, in a flurry of tail and dust, as if to say we did not meet his approval and ran and bucked his way to the other side of the property. Then with a loud snort, turns and looks at the gray and I to make sure that the two of us observed the proper way a horse of such spirit gets it done.

As the cool air if mid October blew across my face and hands, I could feel the change of season approaching. As I continued to work the gray, I thought back to the many years I spent working Wyoming. This past spring he turned twenty years old. I still ride Wyoming but I do not work him. He has a health issue that I must take care of. (Like Me a little slower, a little stiffer and now we enjoy taking a nap when the day and time is right.)  Wy, as family calls him is a champion; ribbons, trophies and a belt buckle all his, plus racing champion bloodlines. Riding him makes me feel like the man I always wanted to be. It makes me feel like the champion that he is. As we both age the spirit is willing but the flesh grows weak. The finger prints of God are all over Wy. What a blessing that God should lend me such a horse.

Just is in the change of seasons, Life itself is temporary. “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered and that my life is fleeing away” (Psalm 39:4) I hear tell that most people’s greatest fear is death. I would have to humbly disagree. I would say the greatest fear of people is to live. To live in the faith of your lord Jesus Christ. To love and to forgive. To live with no greed, no judgment, no boasting but in the Lord. To live in the light and chase the darkness while having no fear of the devil. “We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen” (2 Corinthians 4:18). Now that is the way to go out with your boots on, if you ask me that’s living.

What amazes me most about the good Lord is the price he paid for an old broken down race horse like me. He gave something perfect in exchange for something that is complete imperfection. Bowed tendons, Roman nose, swaybacked and lame at the run but he still promises to stable me in the same barn as his unflawed champions. Imagine that! A wretch like me running with a heard like that. What a loving father we have.

Remember: No time of life is wasted while in the saddle, laughing with a friend until it hurts or thanking the Lord for his many blessings.

                                              May God our heavenly father hold you well.
                                              In the name of our savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.
                                              Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week of October 15, 2012

                                           CRUSADER’S DEVOTIONAL
                                               October 15, 2012 / Monday

 At the beginning of last week, I was blessed to be able to enjoy watching children and adults participate in a gymkhana. Now, to the casual observer this may look like just another horseback competition, but if you were to observe what was really happening you would see the lesson being taught and learned. The kids would do their very best to maneuver a half ton animal through different courses as fast as they could possibly go while still maintaining control. Sometimes the horse was more than willing and other times not so much. Some of the faces would show pure happiness and yet other faces would show pure uncertainty. It was clear who had practiced their new found skills and equally obvious who may have let distractions interfere with their performance that given week.

Ya see, the lesson was in the challenge of adversity and all the children were learning not only what adversity was, but how to deal with it in the proper way. Some learned to become faster riders; some learned better horsemanship and some came back from coming off the horse and landing in the dirt only to win. I was very proud of all of them. I must admit my favorite part was at the end of the competition. All the competitors would stand in the arena and await to hear their times and placing. A much deserved ribbon would be awarded to those who meet the challenge and stayed focused on the matter at hand. The anticipation on each face was priceless. Then the smiles and joy came with hearing their names called out and receiving their just reward. This moment softened my heart.

It reminded me of the day each of us will face. When we all shall stand in the final arena waiting to hear our name be called out. Wondering if we did it right. Did we live the life that was pleasing to God? Was Jesus Christ our Lord and savior? Did we invite Jesus into our lives? Did we live a life in service to him or to ourselves? Did we bring glory to his name or shame? Did we seek his wisdom or wallow in our own ignorance and pride.

I guess I’d ask everyone did you “practice your event” or did the distractions interfere with your performance? Will you hear your name called out or will you hit the dirt? We must be able to say with a strong heart” I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim. 4:7).In that final arena, the blue ribbon will be to hear the words of our heavenly father say “well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matt.25:21) 

Remember:  Don’t take it for granted, take it with a grin and make sure to say “Amen”.
                                       May God our heavenly father bless and hold you well
                                       In the name of our savior Jesus Chirt of the Nazarene.

                                       Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week of October 7th

Weekly Devotional
10-07-12/ Sunday

I apologize for last week’s devotional not getting done, but my job got in the way. Well,
it’s started. The presidential election debates. The elephants and the donkeys are at it
again. Attack ads on the television, the mudslinging and character defamation all part of
the carnage. Both men, with their own self interests, want us to feel that those interests
must be ours as well. Taxes, war, the environment, the “middle class” and those that have
(and worked for it) must share it with those that have not. The list goes on and on. One
man claims one thing while the other claims something else. The only thing they can
agree on is that the other’s to blame for the crazy on goings of the nation and the rest of
the world. It always seems that there is a lot of childishness (me, me, and me) involved.
For if they truly cared about the same thing, us, how could they not agree and work
together for the common good. For such is the world of man.

In spiritual warfare, a selection must be made as well. So who is it that we are to select?
As in this country there are two choices. The first has already and still to this day and
minute serves us. The other will have you serving him. The first is full of truth and
nothing but and the second is full of deception and nothing but.

Ya see, in this selection your group is either a sheep or you’re a goat (Matthew 25: 31-34)
Trust me on this, there is a far greater consequence than four years of bad policies. Your
eternity and earthly well being rests upon your selection. Now, if you join the goats your
existence is in a culture that glorifies materialism and self-gratification and the ignorance
of self-reliance. If you select to be a sheep you glorify a kingdom of love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentles and self control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Which horse do you have saddled? Hope it is the right one, because you’re going to be
riding it for a long, long, long time.

Remember: There ain’t no horse that can’t be rode, there ain’t a cowboy that can’t be
throwed. Be humble but take courage in the Lord.

May God our Heavenly Father bless and hold you well.
In the name of our Savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

Cowboy Pastor; Ty Nazarenus