Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week of October 15, 2012

                                           CRUSADER’S DEVOTIONAL
                                               October 15, 2012 / Monday

 At the beginning of last week, I was blessed to be able to enjoy watching children and adults participate in a gymkhana. Now, to the casual observer this may look like just another horseback competition, but if you were to observe what was really happening you would see the lesson being taught and learned. The kids would do their very best to maneuver a half ton animal through different courses as fast as they could possibly go while still maintaining control. Sometimes the horse was more than willing and other times not so much. Some of the faces would show pure happiness and yet other faces would show pure uncertainty. It was clear who had practiced their new found skills and equally obvious who may have let distractions interfere with their performance that given week.

Ya see, the lesson was in the challenge of adversity and all the children were learning not only what adversity was, but how to deal with it in the proper way. Some learned to become faster riders; some learned better horsemanship and some came back from coming off the horse and landing in the dirt only to win. I was very proud of all of them. I must admit my favorite part was at the end of the competition. All the competitors would stand in the arena and await to hear their times and placing. A much deserved ribbon would be awarded to those who meet the challenge and stayed focused on the matter at hand. The anticipation on each face was priceless. Then the smiles and joy came with hearing their names called out and receiving their just reward. This moment softened my heart.

It reminded me of the day each of us will face. When we all shall stand in the final arena waiting to hear our name be called out. Wondering if we did it right. Did we live the life that was pleasing to God? Was Jesus Christ our Lord and savior? Did we invite Jesus into our lives? Did we live a life in service to him or to ourselves? Did we bring glory to his name or shame? Did we seek his wisdom or wallow in our own ignorance and pride.

I guess I’d ask everyone did you “practice your event” or did the distractions interfere with your performance? Will you hear your name called out or will you hit the dirt? We must be able to say with a strong heart” I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim. 4:7).In that final arena, the blue ribbon will be to hear the words of our heavenly father say “well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matt.25:21) 

Remember:  Don’t take it for granted, take it with a grin and make sure to say “Amen”.
                                       May God our heavenly father bless and hold you well
                                       In the name of our savior Jesus Chirt of the Nazarene.

                                       Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

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