Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week of 11-05-12


I have an eighteen year old Ford pick-up. I’m starting to hear thumps and clanks here and there. It’s time to take her into the shop for some T.L.C. See this truck has dents, rust and the paints bad. You have to roll down the driver’s window in order to get out because there is no inside door handle. The passenger door must be unlocked from inside because the outside key lock does not work.

I used to use it to harrow the arena before I owned a tractor. It has never not started rather it be in the dead of winter or overheat on the hottest summers days. It’s strange to think of a machine in this was but it has been loyal to me. Years ago I would have simply went out and bought a new truck. Yet, something about this truck has endured itself to me. Flawed but always willing to do the next job. I’m content with the flaws keeping in mind its dependability. 

Maybe, I’m thinking that how the Lord looks at us. Love is not blind but love sees more than the flaws. True contentment is grateful for the blessings that God has given us not worrying about your worldly desires. The Devil loves distractions. The commercials we see on the television ads telling us how happy and complete are lives would be if we only had this latest product. Spending our hard earned money on “keeping up with the Jones”, spending our time at work to get ahead for our families that we never see. Washing the car instead of throwing the ball with our kids. Are we all totally missing the target?

We, right now need to enjoy the good things not looking to the future good things or longing for the past good things but enjoy what lies right in front of us. The state of happiness and satisfaction is the art of living in the now. Thankful for the often overlooked blessings of each day.

The Lord promises to give us anything we want, provided it is of his will and contentment definitely something that is in his will. That is were we must place our trust, “Of his will”. Anything other than that is simply other than that. Only a fool would endlessly pursue pleasure, when it ultimately is unsatisfying. Be content with yourself and all that God has given you. Find that peace and so much more will be given.

Remember: Contentment is the realization that life in itself  is a gift not a right.

                          May God your heavenly father bless and hold you well.
                          In the name of our savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.
                                           Cowboy pastor Ty Nazarenus

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