Monday, December 31, 2012

Week of 12/31



Happy New Year! May you have plenty of health and happiness in your saddlebags; ride with grace and peace from God our father and the lord Jesus Christ. As we begin a new year I think we all look back, and pray for future events. As I looked back on 2012, I really enjoyed training Virgil, my first string horse. Virgil is a performance horse. As such he requires a lot of “spook” training. “Spook” training is, you take the horse out of his natural element and expose him to all that is foreign and unnatural to him and his instincts. Just as we take a liken to the person who takes time to get know us, understands our struggles and helps conquer our difficulties, so does your horse partner. With regular interaction a horse learns to trust his human handler. There must be a willingness to understand the horse and his nature, thus making him confident and trusting in our presence for his security. When a horse is handled with kindness and patience he will be willing to accept your guidance and direction. This lesson I’ve learned from God, by his using a horse in a way I could understand what was meant to be taught to me. I, as the teacher became the student.

It’s all about one word. A word I think we could use this New Year. ENCOURAGEMENT. I looked it up in the dictionary and it read, “To give courage, hope or confidence to; to give support to; help.” The Thesaurus puts it this way, “Advance, aid, cheer, comfort, console, embrave, favor, inspire, strengthen, support.” I being a man of but one book, apply this lesson in the following terms.

Jesus Christ is my trainer and the Holy Spirit is my handler. I spend time interacting with them by praying, reading his word and meditating on his efforts to reach me.

We as Christians are “in this world not of this world”. Many things happen in this world that I can not explain, understand or even comprehend. This world and its events are taking a Christian out of his or her natural element and placing them in a place that is foreign and very unnatural to us. Remember your “spook training”, you have been trained and handled by the best of the best. The king of kings, and he is always present with us. God’s Security is his promise to us. Have the faith to be all that he has placed in you.

“Speak up for those who have no voice, for the justice of all who are dispossessed. Speak up judge righteously, and defend the cause of the oppressed and needy.” (Proverbs 31:8-9). Set the example for all are watching. Be a believer of action, do not spook at things that the nonbeliever fears, you have been taught better than that, move forward.

Spread the “Good news” of what has been taught to you. There will come a time when even the mightiest of warriors need shelter, “The Name of the lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are protected.” (Proverbs 18:10).

The grace we have received should alone encourage us, for we all know our story has a happy ending. So where’s what I’m thinking, Let’s give back to our trainer, Jesus Christ, with help from our handler, The Holy Spirit, we will no longer spook at things for we have been taught better. Return the encouragement by the deeds we do and the things we say and show him his kindness and patience were well spent.

May God the Father of all that is bless you and yours this New Year. 

In the name Of our lord and savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Week of 12/24


First Merry Christmas! What a very special day, I hope that you all enjoy it and are blessed by its reasoning. May you have as much laughter as you do faith.

I’ve got a story that’s really all of our stories but yet may very in different realities, yet its common occurrence is very often over looked by those who see by physical sight only.

This tale starts with a phone call. The caller tells of an old horse that is free to a good home. So, I phone the owner or should I say the owner’s soon to be ex-wife. She knows not much of the horse and refers me to “John”. The horses name is “Joker” he is twenty-seven years old and suffers from arthritis on his front end, has few teeth and needs a special diet. As most of us know, along with age in a horse comes gentleness. A kind of wisdom or maybe its acceptance of the “some where down the road” becoming the “Here and Now”. I hear tell at one time Joker was unbeatable in kid’s 4-H events. The belt buckles, trophies and ribbons won all most value as much as the smiles, memories and lessons in over coming advertise that Joker gave away as a teacher and always loyal companion. This once prized horse is free for who would ever look after him. Joker comes with all his tack and cash money for feed. I was told that if a home could not be found, Joker would be put down. “In these times, I can understand people just not wanting a horse like this.” I was told, he can be walked short distances but that’s all. Due to the decision of divorce, Joker was left homeless and no takers on a horse thought of as an old has been. So much loyalty given, so little returned. Joker just needs a second chance.

We all age. Grow a little slower; move a little bit stiffer and our diets change with age. We get asked less of our option, thought of as old fashion and are not as “cool” to be seen with. As our outward shows of worldly time, our insides grow with “gentleness.”  In a world were gadgets and gizmos change by the day, tradition and loyalty hold no value.

Selfishness is being concerned with one’s own interest.” do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not  merely look out for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4). There is more to spirituality then human to human, there’s a bond to all living things. To disrespect live is to disrespect its creator.

This Christmas let’s start thinking about others more importantly than yourselves and how our selfish actions affect other beings. Think of the responsibility as an act of love. Get rid of the self love as the Lord gave us the hope of love and loyalty show it in your actions. Think of yourself last and all others first. Christmas should come from the heart and not the wallet just as life should come from wisdom and not self-interest. Christmas is a time to be humble and thankful for receiving something that we could never acquire on your own. Shouldn’t we have learned from God’s greatest act of kindness? His son, Jesus, taking our place of guilt just to be closer to us. What a day to be a Christian but it’s now time to act as Christians. Kindness and mercy even for those that can’t understand it. Then and only then will true joy come to you.

May Lord’s hand touch and bless you this day.
In the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.
Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, December 17, 2012

Week 12/17

                                                        CRUSADERS DEVOTIONAL

                                                                  12-17-12/ MON


Today is 12- 14- 12, and I woke to news of a young man in Connecticut who killed his mother then went to an elementary school  and he killed twenty children and six adults before taking his own life. At first I was sickened and then grieved then came anger. I, as many thought why? Why is it always the harmless and the innocent that are the victims of evil acts? I thought how easily we blame God when things go wrong and take credit ourselves when things go right.

We live in a fallen world. Meaning Satan is the ruler of this world. We can choose to follow the ways of the world or be a child of the Lord. No matter what the world does, He promises to never leave us or for sake us.

God may be letting evil run its course in order to prove what evil can do and the suffering that it brings. The product of evil is proof that anything other than God’s will is bad and painfully leads to death, both spiritually and physically. We have allowed politics and self interest groups remove our symbols and the words of our faith to be removed from public display, out of sight out of mind, and that has made it easy for the devil himself to move right in with no opposition. Complacency in this area by Christians has an effect on the blessings received and opens us up to curses of evil.  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways.” Declares the Lord, (Isaiah 55:8).  

The Bible contains God’s word. He wants us to hear his voice in our spirits no matter what the circumstances are in life. But, God’s word has little effect unless we have diligently studied his written word and learned to recognize his speaking in our hearts. It can not be used as a guide or keep us out of Satan’s grip unless we know of these words. The words of God contain our victory plan to defeat Satan. 

Now, I’ve had a belly full of Satan and his cowardly, chickenhearted demonic forces. We as Christians must mount up, form a charge line and go after the enemy of our king.  Those who hold the line must not only rebuke Satan, but run him down for he will run in fear of the lord, pursue him to the end. We must hunt a monster without becoming one. It is a battle for the minds, hearts and souls of man and our greatest weapon is our relationship with the Lord. Know the word, proclaim it and live it. Live not in fear but in great courage and faith in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Meet the commander daily in prayer, you then shall receive the keys to the kingdom of heaven and will be able to holdback and stop the devils attacks. God has given his people power and authority over the devil. Trust in the Father with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding. We must teach these things to all who will listen and as a gift, give it to our youth. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. (Defined by Jesus, Fear means to worship)


This Christmas season let those you love and hold dear know what they mean to you and what a blessing in your life they play. Thank the Lord for his many and undeserved blessings he has given throughout your life. For we know not what tomorrow will bring.


                                              Stand firm in your faith.

                          In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

                                              Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, December 10, 2012

Week of 12-10

Weekley Devotional
12-10-12 Monday

Well, here we are half way through the Advent season. First let me make sure that were all in the same corral. Advent is the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and ending on Christmas Eve. Advent means coming and it’s for preparation for Christmas. The celebration of Christ’s first coming and also looking ahead to the second coming.

Now the “preparation” does not mean Office parties, bad fruit cake and pound packing egg nod. It does not mean packages, ribbons boxes and bows. It does mean getting your head and heart right. It’s gratitude for Jesus Christ being born of a virgin, and fulfilling his obedience to God for the love of you and me. It’s time for us to realize and turn our hearts from the love of things seen and bring ourselves to things unseen.

I’ll tell ya about some of my personal Advent season. I have been of vacation for the last week and here’s some of what I’ve been doing. I’ve finished working on a pole barn for a friend; I’ve gathered donated goods for the needy. I have also stopped and helped two young women with a flat tire. On the other hand (ya know its probability not good when a sentence starts with “on the other hand”)  I have rode one of my horses, done some gun shooting, trimmed some horse hooves did a brake job on my wife’s car as well as some Christmas shopping. Now does that sound like “preparation” to you? Then a reminder of what the season is all about hit me square in the backside of my pants.

This Sunday I was told the action of the Holy Spirit gave spiritual rebirth to a family member. She became saved, reborn with repentance and followed through with baptism. I could not only see the difference in her eyes, smile and new found joy, but I could hear it in her words and I could feel it in her warmth. “We must carry out all that God requires.” Matt: 3:15. I was very happy for her, as a matter of fact I wanted to saddle my best horse, sink some spur and run all out from here to Cheyenne in pure excitement.

To know now with growth the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven will be given to her. I know that not only did she chose God, God choose her. “When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” John: 16:13.

Made me think of the gifts just moments ago that I was so excited to give on Christmas morning seem laughable. I guess now I’ll give what is everlasting and my most prized possession; unconditional love. Not just for family and friends but for all.

Remember: Sometimes we step in a pile of horse dong before we know where the horse is. Sometimes we look for God when all along he’s right in front of us.

May our heavenly father protect you and yours.
In the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.
Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus.

week of 12/10

                                                   Crusaders Devotional

                                                        12-10-12/ Mon


Well, here we are half way through the Advent season. First let me make sure that were all in the same corral. Advent is the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and ending on Christmas Eve. Advent means coming and it’s for preparation for Christmas. The celebration of Christ’s first coming and also looking ahead to the second coming.


Now the “preparation” does not mean Office parties, bad fruit cake and pound packing egg nod. It does not mean packages, ribbons boxes and bows. It does mean getting your head and heart right. It’s gratitude for Jesus Christ being born of a virgin, and fulfilling his obedience to God for the love of you and me. It’s time for us to realize and turn our hearts from the love of things seen and bring ourselves to things unseen.


I’ll tell ya about some of my personal Advent season. I have been of vacation for the last week and here’s some of what I’ve been doing. I’ve finished working on a pole barn for a friend; I’ve gathered donated goods for the needy. I have also stopped and helped two young women with a flat tire. On the other hand (ya know its probability not good when a sentence starts with “on the other hand”)  I have rode one of my horses, done some gun shooting, trimmed some horse hooves did a brake job on my wife’s car as well as some Christmas shopping. Now does that sound like “preparation” to you? Then a reminder of what the season is all about hit me square in the backside of my pants.


This Sunday I was told the action of the Holy Spirit gave spiritual rebirth to a family member. She became saved, reborn with repentance and followed through with baptism. I could not only see the difference in her eyes, smile and new found joy, but I could hear it in her words and I could feel it in her warmth. “We must carry out all that God requires.” Matt: 3:15. I was very happy for her, as a matter of fact I wanted to saddle my best horse, sink some spur and run all out from here to Cheyenne in pure excitement.


To know now with growth the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven will be given to her. I know that not only did she chose God, God choose her. “When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” John: 16:13.


Made me think of the gifts just moments ago that I was so excited to give on Christmas morning seem laughable. I guess now I’ll give what is everlasting and my most prized possession; unconditional love. Not just for family and friends but for all.


Remember: Sometimes we step in a pile of horse dong before we know where the horse is. Sometimes we look for God when all along he’s right in front of us.


                            May our heavenly father protect you and yours.

                            In the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

                            Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week of 12/3

                                                CRUSADERS DEVOTIONAL


Hey, howdy,hey. Hello to everyone and MERRY CHRISTMAS! His is my favorite time of year. The lights, the music, the decorations and people seem to be just a little friendlier. Family and friends getting together and the movies, I can’t but help but  love the Christmas shows and the classic movies that are on the television 24/7. All these things I enjoy but as a Christian I can’t help but wonder if the horse has gotten out of the barn and no one has noticed. Let me explain what I’m talking about.

I was in the tack store last week when I came to the bit section. I started to look at all the different types and behind me were the horse breast collars. Down from me about twenty feet was a nicely dressed women and what I assumed to be her teenage son. I couldn’t help but over hear their conversation. She asked, “Think she would like this one” now the son looked up from his cell phone just long enough to say “it’s to plain.” The woman said “you could be more help you know.” The young man than turned and looked at the collars. He reached out a grabbed a very impressive collar with lots of “bling” and tooled leather work. The first thing the women did was look at the price tag. “Wow, that’s almost an entire car payment for the month.” The youngster said “yea, but that’s her style.” The lady then said “I’ll have to put it on the card” and without skipping of a beat the youngster said “good, now can we leave? Without once looking up from that cell phone texting.

As a Christian this incident concerned me on many levels. Is this all Christmas has come to be? One of the most important days of our faith turned into the most important days of profit for Target, Wal-mart and the tack store. Giving and getting and not even able to remember what we gave and got last year, putting ourselves indebt for the sake of material possessions. The best things in life are not things. We must take back this holy day and give it to our father as a gift in the name of love and the promise we received long ago.

Here is my plan for the siege to take back what was given to us and what the secular world has perverted. Bankrupt the secular by giving away what is priceless. Start with LOVE, give it to all. Those who are special to us and even more to those who don’t understand its importance. Live with JOY, much has been promised to those who believe and it can’t be taken away. We represent the kingdom it’s a kingdom of greatness that should bring joy to your heart. PEACE, by knowing what you control and what God controls. This shall give you peace of mind. PATIENCE, give it to those who have no faith and pray for it as we gain wisdom of our savior and his message.  KINDNESS, as God gave it to us as a second chance and give it to those who do not deserve it just as he did. GOODNESS, Study the word  to know what it is. Live by it and die by it. It is what makes us who we are. FAITH, live by what can’t be seen but can be felt. Tell others about it. This is the mission you were made for. GENTLENESS, always be what our father has been to you. Simple minds do not deserve a heavy hand. SELF-CONTROL is a showing of maturity and wisdom.

Now give these things as gifts and you will remember what you gave and others will remember what they got.


REMEMBER: No spurs in the house and don’t be like Santa working one day a year and spending the other 364 days judging everyone.


                                                                   Enjoy the season and all that it means.

                                                        In the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazarene

                                                                    Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus.