First Merry Christmas! What a very special day, I hope that
you all enjoy it and are blessed by its reasoning. May you have as much laughter
as you do faith.
I’ve got a story that’s really all of our stories but yet
may very in different realities, yet its common occurrence is very often over
looked by those who see by physical sight only.
This tale starts with a phone call. The caller tells of an
old horse that is free to a good home. So, I phone the owner or should I say
the owner’s soon to be ex-wife. She knows not much of the horse and refers me
to “John”. The horses name is “Joker” he is twenty-seven years old and suffers
from arthritis on his front end, has few teeth and needs a special diet. As
most of us know, along with age in a horse comes gentleness. A kind of wisdom
or maybe its acceptance of the “some where down the road” becoming the “Here
and Now”. I hear tell at one time Joker was unbeatable in kid’s 4-H events. The
belt buckles, trophies and ribbons won all most value as much as the smiles,
memories and lessons in over coming advertise that Joker gave away as a teacher
and always loyal companion. This once prized horse is free for who would ever
look after him. Joker comes with all his tack and cash money for feed. I was
told that if a home could not be found, Joker would be put down. “In these times,
I can understand people just not wanting a horse like this.” I was told, he can
be walked short distances but that’s all. Due to the decision of divorce, Joker
was left homeless and no takers on a horse thought of as an old has been. So
much loyalty given, so little returned. Joker just needs a second chance.
We all age. Grow a little slower; move a little bit stiffer
and our diets change with age. We get asked less of our option, thought of as
old fashion and are not as “cool” to be seen with. As our outward shows of
worldly time, our insides grow with “gentleness.” In a world were gadgets and gizmos change by the day,
tradition and loyalty hold no value.
Selfishness is being concerned with one’s own interest.” do
nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one
another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own interests, but also for the
interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4). There is more to spirituality then
human to human, there’s a bond to all living things. To disrespect live is to
disrespect its creator.
This Christmas let’s start thinking about others more
importantly than yourselves and how our selfish actions affect other beings. Think
of the responsibility as an act of love. Get rid of the self love as the Lord
gave us the hope of love and loyalty show it in your actions. Think of yourself
last and all others first. Christmas should come from the heart and not the
wallet just as life should come from wisdom and not self-interest. Christmas is
a time to be humble and thankful for receiving something that we could never
acquire on your own. Shouldn’t we have learned from God’s greatest act of
kindness? His son, Jesus, taking our place of guilt just to be closer to us.
What a day to be a Christian but it’s now time to act as Christians. Kindness
and mercy even for those that can’t understand it. Then and only then will true
joy come to you.
May Lord’s hand touch and bless you this day.
In the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.
Pastor Ty Nazarenus
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