As I start to take down the Christmas tree, I do so with
some reservations. The tree was beautiful this year and the ornaments each have
their own story and each one acquired over many years. I’ll miss the happy
ending Christmas movies, the music and saying “Merry Christmas” to everyone.
Along with these feelings, comes hope. Hope that we as Crusaders continue to
grow in our relationship and wisdom of God and his word, and not only all
Crusaders but every single Christian. Hope that we stop letting them take our
American rights away little by little and that we stand up and are heard and
say “no more”. We are American Christians and we have rights and need to fight
for those rights. I support all religious groups to stand for their beliefs. Religious
freedom and expression is one of the basic ideas this country was founded on.
Now, some 80% of Americans claim to be Christians. Maybe
their two day a year Christians, Easter and Christmas, but where are they the
other 363 days a year. We must stop being a people that claim one thing and
then turn around say and do another. I’m not saying God loves one more then the
other, God loves every one of us. God does however want his children to be
obedient to his word and seek his lessons of wisdom.
So here is my wish list for 2013 for all Christians. I hope
this list would please Christ Jesus.
1) Knowing
how to die with out fear is faith, knowing how to live without fear is even
greater faith, “The last enemy that will be abolished is death.” ( 1 Corinthians
2) Look
for God he is everywhere, you are not obscure to God. He is with you always. “I
have called you back from the ends of the earth so you can serve me. For I have
chosen you and will not throw you away.” (Isaiah 41:9).
3) For
some, Christianity is about trying to be more like Jesus. I believe it is of
more importantace to know how Jesus became like us. Jesus did not come because
we are worthy but because we needed someone who was worthy. “The word became
flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten
from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14).
4) The
Holy Spirit is part of every activity of Jesus. His Conception, His baptism His
temptations and His ministry. Invisible does not mean nonexistent. “People who
aren’t Christians can’t understand these truths from God’s Spirit. It all
sounds foolish to them because only those who have the Spirit can understand
what the Spirit means.” (1 Corinthians 2:14).
These are but a few, I guess what I want is all of us to
mature as believers and our understanding of God and His wisdom for us.
Remember; Always pet the horse you just rode, a gentle hand is
the sign of a gentle heart.
the name of our lord and savior
Jesus Christ of the Nazarene
Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus
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