Monday, April 1, 2013

Week of 4/2



Hello to all and thanks for reading this week’s devotional. I hope everyone had a happy and blessed Easter. You know it does not matter if you spent time in church, with family or friends or maybe even by yourself with God in prayer. What matters, is the fact that all our sins were wiped clean by the blood of Jesus and that we acknowledge that, with gratitude. The grace of God should never be over looked, that is for sure and for certain. Who’s to say that the showing of gratitude for one man is the same as for another? I for one, like to show the good Lord my love for him and all he has done by doing the passions the Lord has placed in my heart. Spending time with just him, the family he has so blessed me with and hearing their laughter and seeing their smiles and living my life in nature to its fullest. Living in no fear, knowing that victory was given to us all if only we ask for it, accept it and acting on it. “Death where is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55).

This week, a brave young man and a heck of a good horse took the trail to the other side. Strange as it seems, inside is great sadness but at the same time, a smile now and again will come to my face knowing where and who they are with.

Dalton is the young man the Crusader’s met last year at the brain cancer walk. Dalton spoke to the crowd and spoke apologetically to his family about all he had put them through. Never once talking about himself or his afflictions, but other people and the battles they were going through. Dalton never turned his back on Jesus in anger but only seemed to love him all the more. Dalton was a warrior that not only was a privilege to know, but also his company was humbling. I have a picture of Dalton smiling ear to ear in the heat of battle. Now that is what I call a warrior fighting the good fight.

“Joker” was a horse, we here at the Second Chance Ranch adopted on 01-09-2013. Joker was 27 years old and had a bad knee on his on side that kept him at a limp. I heard that “back in the day” Joker was the horse to beat at roping and gymkhana events. Even up till his last days, Joker never had a mean bone in his body and seemed as happy as a skunk in the moon light. He gave my grandson a bareback ride that was priceless to witness. Just watching Joker day in and day out, I’d say he was as smart as any good sheep dog. I’ll miss his gentle ways.

It might seem odd to mention the young man and old horse in the same breath, but they were both warriors cut from the same cloth. If you look, things are not always as they appear. Both seemed to bear their burdens without complaint or blame. Both man and horse were content in knowing what is, is and content with the pleasures given to them, no matter how small the gift given; it was a reward for the faith shown by both. See, life is of spirituality, not biology. God loves man most of all his creations, but he gave life to all living things. A horse in heaven? I say sure, why not? God can do anything. See the book of Revelation. I’m sure God has the greatest remuda there ever was. Both this man and horse taught me the meaning of contentment. Jesus has told us to be content with what we have. Jesus gave us a direct command not to worry about things of this world. Both Dalton and Joker took what life gave them. May peace be with them and courage shown in their legacy. Thank you both for your lesson of contentment. May it not be overlooked by the deaf and dumb.

In the name of our Savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

Cowboy Pastor Ty

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