Monday, December 31, 2012

Week of 12/31



Happy New Year! May you have plenty of health and happiness in your saddlebags; ride with grace and peace from God our father and the lord Jesus Christ. As we begin a new year I think we all look back, and pray for future events. As I looked back on 2012, I really enjoyed training Virgil, my first string horse. Virgil is a performance horse. As such he requires a lot of “spook” training. “Spook” training is, you take the horse out of his natural element and expose him to all that is foreign and unnatural to him and his instincts. Just as we take a liken to the person who takes time to get know us, understands our struggles and helps conquer our difficulties, so does your horse partner. With regular interaction a horse learns to trust his human handler. There must be a willingness to understand the horse and his nature, thus making him confident and trusting in our presence for his security. When a horse is handled with kindness and patience he will be willing to accept your guidance and direction. This lesson I’ve learned from God, by his using a horse in a way I could understand what was meant to be taught to me. I, as the teacher became the student.

It’s all about one word. A word I think we could use this New Year. ENCOURAGEMENT. I looked it up in the dictionary and it read, “To give courage, hope or confidence to; to give support to; help.” The Thesaurus puts it this way, “Advance, aid, cheer, comfort, console, embrave, favor, inspire, strengthen, support.” I being a man of but one book, apply this lesson in the following terms.

Jesus Christ is my trainer and the Holy Spirit is my handler. I spend time interacting with them by praying, reading his word and meditating on his efforts to reach me.

We as Christians are “in this world not of this world”. Many things happen in this world that I can not explain, understand or even comprehend. This world and its events are taking a Christian out of his or her natural element and placing them in a place that is foreign and very unnatural to us. Remember your “spook training”, you have been trained and handled by the best of the best. The king of kings, and he is always present with us. God’s Security is his promise to us. Have the faith to be all that he has placed in you.

“Speak up for those who have no voice, for the justice of all who are dispossessed. Speak up judge righteously, and defend the cause of the oppressed and needy.” (Proverbs 31:8-9). Set the example for all are watching. Be a believer of action, do not spook at things that the nonbeliever fears, you have been taught better than that, move forward.

Spread the “Good news” of what has been taught to you. There will come a time when even the mightiest of warriors need shelter, “The Name of the lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are protected.” (Proverbs 18:10).

The grace we have received should alone encourage us, for we all know our story has a happy ending. So where’s what I’m thinking, Let’s give back to our trainer, Jesus Christ, with help from our handler, The Holy Spirit, we will no longer spook at things for we have been taught better. Return the encouragement by the deeds we do and the things we say and show him his kindness and patience were well spent.

May God the Father of all that is bless you and yours this New Year. 

In the name Of our lord and savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Week of 12/24


First Merry Christmas! What a very special day, I hope that you all enjoy it and are blessed by its reasoning. May you have as much laughter as you do faith.

I’ve got a story that’s really all of our stories but yet may very in different realities, yet its common occurrence is very often over looked by those who see by physical sight only.

This tale starts with a phone call. The caller tells of an old horse that is free to a good home. So, I phone the owner or should I say the owner’s soon to be ex-wife. She knows not much of the horse and refers me to “John”. The horses name is “Joker” he is twenty-seven years old and suffers from arthritis on his front end, has few teeth and needs a special diet. As most of us know, along with age in a horse comes gentleness. A kind of wisdom or maybe its acceptance of the “some where down the road” becoming the “Here and Now”. I hear tell at one time Joker was unbeatable in kid’s 4-H events. The belt buckles, trophies and ribbons won all most value as much as the smiles, memories and lessons in over coming advertise that Joker gave away as a teacher and always loyal companion. This once prized horse is free for who would ever look after him. Joker comes with all his tack and cash money for feed. I was told that if a home could not be found, Joker would be put down. “In these times, I can understand people just not wanting a horse like this.” I was told, he can be walked short distances but that’s all. Due to the decision of divorce, Joker was left homeless and no takers on a horse thought of as an old has been. So much loyalty given, so little returned. Joker just needs a second chance.

We all age. Grow a little slower; move a little bit stiffer and our diets change with age. We get asked less of our option, thought of as old fashion and are not as “cool” to be seen with. As our outward shows of worldly time, our insides grow with “gentleness.”  In a world were gadgets and gizmos change by the day, tradition and loyalty hold no value.

Selfishness is being concerned with one’s own interest.” do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not  merely look out for your own interests, but also for the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4). There is more to spirituality then human to human, there’s a bond to all living things. To disrespect live is to disrespect its creator.

This Christmas let’s start thinking about others more importantly than yourselves and how our selfish actions affect other beings. Think of the responsibility as an act of love. Get rid of the self love as the Lord gave us the hope of love and loyalty show it in your actions. Think of yourself last and all others first. Christmas should come from the heart and not the wallet just as life should come from wisdom and not self-interest. Christmas is a time to be humble and thankful for receiving something that we could never acquire on your own. Shouldn’t we have learned from God’s greatest act of kindness? His son, Jesus, taking our place of guilt just to be closer to us. What a day to be a Christian but it’s now time to act as Christians. Kindness and mercy even for those that can’t understand it. Then and only then will true joy come to you.

May Lord’s hand touch and bless you this day.
In the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.
Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, December 17, 2012

Week 12/17

                                                        CRUSADERS DEVOTIONAL

                                                                  12-17-12/ MON


Today is 12- 14- 12, and I woke to news of a young man in Connecticut who killed his mother then went to an elementary school  and he killed twenty children and six adults before taking his own life. At first I was sickened and then grieved then came anger. I, as many thought why? Why is it always the harmless and the innocent that are the victims of evil acts? I thought how easily we blame God when things go wrong and take credit ourselves when things go right.

We live in a fallen world. Meaning Satan is the ruler of this world. We can choose to follow the ways of the world or be a child of the Lord. No matter what the world does, He promises to never leave us or for sake us.

God may be letting evil run its course in order to prove what evil can do and the suffering that it brings. The product of evil is proof that anything other than God’s will is bad and painfully leads to death, both spiritually and physically. We have allowed politics and self interest groups remove our symbols and the words of our faith to be removed from public display, out of sight out of mind, and that has made it easy for the devil himself to move right in with no opposition. Complacency in this area by Christians has an effect on the blessings received and opens us up to curses of evil.  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways.” Declares the Lord, (Isaiah 55:8).  

The Bible contains God’s word. He wants us to hear his voice in our spirits no matter what the circumstances are in life. But, God’s word has little effect unless we have diligently studied his written word and learned to recognize his speaking in our hearts. It can not be used as a guide or keep us out of Satan’s grip unless we know of these words. The words of God contain our victory plan to defeat Satan. 

Now, I’ve had a belly full of Satan and his cowardly, chickenhearted demonic forces. We as Christians must mount up, form a charge line and go after the enemy of our king.  Those who hold the line must not only rebuke Satan, but run him down for he will run in fear of the lord, pursue him to the end. We must hunt a monster without becoming one. It is a battle for the minds, hearts and souls of man and our greatest weapon is our relationship with the Lord. Know the word, proclaim it and live it. Live not in fear but in great courage and faith in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Meet the commander daily in prayer, you then shall receive the keys to the kingdom of heaven and will be able to holdback and stop the devils attacks. God has given his people power and authority over the devil. Trust in the Father with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding. We must teach these things to all who will listen and as a gift, give it to our youth. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. (Defined by Jesus, Fear means to worship)


This Christmas season let those you love and hold dear know what they mean to you and what a blessing in your life they play. Thank the Lord for his many and undeserved blessings he has given throughout your life. For we know not what tomorrow will bring.


                                              Stand firm in your faith.

                          In the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

                                              Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, December 10, 2012

Week of 12-10

Weekley Devotional
12-10-12 Monday

Well, here we are half way through the Advent season. First let me make sure that were all in the same corral. Advent is the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and ending on Christmas Eve. Advent means coming and it’s for preparation for Christmas. The celebration of Christ’s first coming and also looking ahead to the second coming.

Now the “preparation” does not mean Office parties, bad fruit cake and pound packing egg nod. It does not mean packages, ribbons boxes and bows. It does mean getting your head and heart right. It’s gratitude for Jesus Christ being born of a virgin, and fulfilling his obedience to God for the love of you and me. It’s time for us to realize and turn our hearts from the love of things seen and bring ourselves to things unseen.

I’ll tell ya about some of my personal Advent season. I have been of vacation for the last week and here’s some of what I’ve been doing. I’ve finished working on a pole barn for a friend; I’ve gathered donated goods for the needy. I have also stopped and helped two young women with a flat tire. On the other hand (ya know its probability not good when a sentence starts with “on the other hand”)  I have rode one of my horses, done some gun shooting, trimmed some horse hooves did a brake job on my wife’s car as well as some Christmas shopping. Now does that sound like “preparation” to you? Then a reminder of what the season is all about hit me square in the backside of my pants.

This Sunday I was told the action of the Holy Spirit gave spiritual rebirth to a family member. She became saved, reborn with repentance and followed through with baptism. I could not only see the difference in her eyes, smile and new found joy, but I could hear it in her words and I could feel it in her warmth. “We must carry out all that God requires.” Matt: 3:15. I was very happy for her, as a matter of fact I wanted to saddle my best horse, sink some spur and run all out from here to Cheyenne in pure excitement.

To know now with growth the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven will be given to her. I know that not only did she chose God, God choose her. “When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” John: 16:13.

Made me think of the gifts just moments ago that I was so excited to give on Christmas morning seem laughable. I guess now I’ll give what is everlasting and my most prized possession; unconditional love. Not just for family and friends but for all.

Remember: Sometimes we step in a pile of horse dong before we know where the horse is. Sometimes we look for God when all along he’s right in front of us.

May our heavenly father protect you and yours.
In the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.
Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus.

week of 12/10

                                                   Crusaders Devotional

                                                        12-10-12/ Mon


Well, here we are half way through the Advent season. First let me make sure that were all in the same corral. Advent is the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas and ending on Christmas Eve. Advent means coming and it’s for preparation for Christmas. The celebration of Christ’s first coming and also looking ahead to the second coming.


Now the “preparation” does not mean Office parties, bad fruit cake and pound packing egg nod. It does not mean packages, ribbons boxes and bows. It does mean getting your head and heart right. It’s gratitude for Jesus Christ being born of a virgin, and fulfilling his obedience to God for the love of you and me. It’s time for us to realize and turn our hearts from the love of things seen and bring ourselves to things unseen.


I’ll tell ya about some of my personal Advent season. I have been of vacation for the last week and here’s some of what I’ve been doing. I’ve finished working on a pole barn for a friend; I’ve gathered donated goods for the needy. I have also stopped and helped two young women with a flat tire. On the other hand (ya know its probability not good when a sentence starts with “on the other hand”)  I have rode one of my horses, done some gun shooting, trimmed some horse hooves did a brake job on my wife’s car as well as some Christmas shopping. Now does that sound like “preparation” to you? Then a reminder of what the season is all about hit me square in the backside of my pants.


This Sunday I was told the action of the Holy Spirit gave spiritual rebirth to a family member. She became saved, reborn with repentance and followed through with baptism. I could not only see the difference in her eyes, smile and new found joy, but I could hear it in her words and I could feel it in her warmth. “We must carry out all that God requires.” Matt: 3:15. I was very happy for her, as a matter of fact I wanted to saddle my best horse, sink some spur and run all out from here to Cheyenne in pure excitement.


To know now with growth the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven will be given to her. I know that not only did she chose God, God choose her. “When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.” John: 16:13.


Made me think of the gifts just moments ago that I was so excited to give on Christmas morning seem laughable. I guess now I’ll give what is everlasting and my most prized possession; unconditional love. Not just for family and friends but for all.


Remember: Sometimes we step in a pile of horse dong before we know where the horse is. Sometimes we look for God when all along he’s right in front of us.


                            May our heavenly father protect you and yours.

                            In the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

                            Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week of 12/3

                                                CRUSADERS DEVOTIONAL


Hey, howdy,hey. Hello to everyone and MERRY CHRISTMAS! His is my favorite time of year. The lights, the music, the decorations and people seem to be just a little friendlier. Family and friends getting together and the movies, I can’t but help but  love the Christmas shows and the classic movies that are on the television 24/7. All these things I enjoy but as a Christian I can’t help but wonder if the horse has gotten out of the barn and no one has noticed. Let me explain what I’m talking about.

I was in the tack store last week when I came to the bit section. I started to look at all the different types and behind me were the horse breast collars. Down from me about twenty feet was a nicely dressed women and what I assumed to be her teenage son. I couldn’t help but over hear their conversation. She asked, “Think she would like this one” now the son looked up from his cell phone just long enough to say “it’s to plain.” The woman said “you could be more help you know.” The young man than turned and looked at the collars. He reached out a grabbed a very impressive collar with lots of “bling” and tooled leather work. The first thing the women did was look at the price tag. “Wow, that’s almost an entire car payment for the month.” The youngster said “yea, but that’s her style.” The lady then said “I’ll have to put it on the card” and without skipping of a beat the youngster said “good, now can we leave? Without once looking up from that cell phone texting.

As a Christian this incident concerned me on many levels. Is this all Christmas has come to be? One of the most important days of our faith turned into the most important days of profit for Target, Wal-mart and the tack store. Giving and getting and not even able to remember what we gave and got last year, putting ourselves indebt for the sake of material possessions. The best things in life are not things. We must take back this holy day and give it to our father as a gift in the name of love and the promise we received long ago.

Here is my plan for the siege to take back what was given to us and what the secular world has perverted. Bankrupt the secular by giving away what is priceless. Start with LOVE, give it to all. Those who are special to us and even more to those who don’t understand its importance. Live with JOY, much has been promised to those who believe and it can’t be taken away. We represent the kingdom it’s a kingdom of greatness that should bring joy to your heart. PEACE, by knowing what you control and what God controls. This shall give you peace of mind. PATIENCE, give it to those who have no faith and pray for it as we gain wisdom of our savior and his message.  KINDNESS, as God gave it to us as a second chance and give it to those who do not deserve it just as he did. GOODNESS, Study the word  to know what it is. Live by it and die by it. It is what makes us who we are. FAITH, live by what can’t be seen but can be felt. Tell others about it. This is the mission you were made for. GENTLENESS, always be what our father has been to you. Simple minds do not deserve a heavy hand. SELF-CONTROL is a showing of maturity and wisdom.

Now give these things as gifts and you will remember what you gave and others will remember what they got.


REMEMBER: No spurs in the house and don’t be like Santa working one day a year and spending the other 364 days judging everyone.


                                                                   Enjoy the season and all that it means.

                                                        In the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazarene

                                                                    Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Week of 11/26

Crusaders Devotional

11-26-12/ Monday

There were two old cowboys sitting on a horse corral fence, when the one wearing a bent and mudded Stetson hat said “I went riding today.” the second cowboy, skinny wearing a belt buckle the size of a Cadillac hub cap said “horseback?” Sure, said the first cowboy “she came back before me.” The horse dumbfounds him with plans of her own for the day. A buck here, a side kick there a just enough crow hop and into the sagebrush he goes. Now she’s heading back to the barn at Kentucky Derby speed and he’s out for a stroll instead of a ride. This story if not true ought to be. It reminds me of times when us Christens feel left alone on the trail by God.

In western culture and even in our churches we live with wealth, power and prestige. We can’t stand the thought of fear, weakness, failure and doubt. Life comes with these feelings, but our culture sees these traits of failure or worse lack of faith.

Think back to Jacob’s story (Genesis 32:24) his whole life was a struggle, but wrestling with an angel was a whole different matter. These two wrestled all night. Then the angel gave a crippling blow to Jacob that would last for the rest of Jacob’s life. It was only then did Jacob know what had happened. The angel was God himself.

“I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.” (Genesis 32:30). It was not just any angel that night but the Lord himself. Jacob received a new name “Israel”, but what’s most important is God blessed him there. (Genesis 32:29).

What I feel is to be learned is that our lives are never meant to be easy, very true if we wrestle with God and his will for our lives.

As Christians we will have problems but God is always with us. His blessing will always follow the struggle. Most of the time it can get dirty and confusing, real mature growing experiences will for sure involve struggle and pain.

Just as when Jacobs wrestles with God at the Jabbok that night, sometimes we may fight God’s will. As believers in Jesus Christ we may wrestle with God through the night but as in the past, come morning his blessing will come to us in his unending love and understanding.

We as Christians must continue to fight not only the secular world, but sometimes the demons within ourselves. HAVE NO FEAR, The Lord calls us more than conquers; he will not leave us muddy, afoot and on the trail. The barn we head for is glory.

Remember: In rodeo there are no substitutions, no special teams and definitely no time outs. Just like in life when we wrestle with the angel. Our blessing will come in the morning as well, if our faith holds.

Go with God and may he protect you.

In the name of your savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, November 19, 2012

Week of 11/19

                                                       Crusader’s Devotional


Have you ever wondered why one man walks with Christ and another does not? Why one man is sad and another man happy? One man may be prosperous and yet another poor and miserable. The answer is pretty fundamental. It’s the way we think, our thoughts and even more so the way we believe. My Grandfather, a man of few words but many sayings once said “When pigs fly.” See I was trying to ride this gentle but unbroken filly with just a lead rope. I hit the ground faster than I could say, “Wished I hadn’t done that.”

 I do not known why this one saying stuck in my head but it has been there for about forty years now. In researching this saying, I found that it is called an idiom. Idioms are used to indicate that something is highly unlikely ever to happen or that it will never happen. It is a Scottish proverb. In fact, I have been so taken by these words that there is a flying pig in my kitchen, sadly only made of plaster but still a symbol to the thought that my whole live has been a pig in flight.  

I have been told what was possible for me and what was well out of my reach. I was considered by some as the black sheep of the family, the rebel, the one that was more bad than good. All this went in one ear and straight out the other. Do you know why? I believed in God, I knew that he believed in me even more. I had dreams that I knew were somehow going to come into being and when they did they were even more than I had dreamed, but in a totally different way than I had planed. Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lords purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21).

Throughout the bible we have instructions on our thoughts. Meditate on God’s word (read your bible), Give thanks in all circumstances. Take your thoughts captive (Control your thoughts). Always remind yourself of God’s promises and faithfulness when we meditate and pray.

Never listen to the hateful, frustrated, distorted and twisted person who’s spirit is out of tune with God’s will. He resents those who are peaceful, happy and loving. Most the time he will criticize, condemn those that have been kind to him. Sounds like the devil himself, the deceiver of truth.

There is nothing wrong with positive thinking as long as your thinking is on the positive power and promise of the Lord. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9).


Your pigs can fly to if only your courage is stronger than your fears. Have faith in the holy spirit and not in yourself. Give thanks for everything you have and forgiveness to everyone you know.


Remember: A horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory comes from the lord. (Proverbs 21:31)


                                            Grace to you and peace from God.

                                    In the name of Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

                                              Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week Of 11/12

                                                      CRUSADERS DEVOTIONAL


Last Tuesday night a small group of Crusaders and I went up north to Weld County at Spicer’s arena to watch a few Crusaders participate in a barrel racing event. What an event it was, there was about seventy competitors in all. The Crusaders competing were either fairly new to the sport or on a horse that was. But you never would have known it. The courage and grit they rode with, I couldn’t have been more proud even if they were running in the Pro Rodeo National Finals. I tell ya, I watched all the girls run since they were kids. I was lucky enough to once again watch the next up and coming group start their memories. They lead the charge with no fear, no apprehension and left no doubt horse and rider teamed as one. Telling the truth it put a lump in my throat. I feel as if all the girls are mine, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for them, or anything that could stop me from helping them achieve their goals. To see them take on the challenge of the things that surly will confront them later in life was the true winning. To not bat an eye while the Devil himself tries to lie, filling heads with doubt and fear not knowing what will happen showed their faith in the good Lord above. All the time they thought it was just a barrel race. The Devil loves deception and God loves disguises. I saw God that night.

Seeing the new riders reminded me of “baby Christians”. In the sense of birth and development the spirit is no different than the physical. We have to be born spiritually just as we are born physically. We can see all around us in nature that things grow, develop and mature in God’s purpose, they have purpose.

Christian Infants often fuss over fairness and the excepted apologies of another. Wrongs they may have suffered, their own personal wants and desires. Paul compares spiritual infancy to worldly behavior .A infant is more concerned with argument than action. Jealously, strife and backstabbing are the occupations of the spiritual baby.

Have you ever watched a baby? They whine and cry over what they can not have, what they must do or not do, or worst yet whine over what they must have. Sometimes Christians act in this matter. It’s easier to pry than pray, accuse than lose, grumble then go and much easier to argue then to act.

A Christian “baby” will only grow as much as he purposefully reads and obeys, then applies the word of God to his or her life. Growth is completely up to the believer. There are Christians who have been saved many years but are still spiritually babies. Like a fat cat in the house, who has to be hand feed the word of God, would not last one week as a barn cat. These fat cat Christians can not understand the deeper truths of the word or the actions and demands of the heavenly Father. What does a “baby Christian” need for growth? The word of God and the truths of the bible. Having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is not a religion, its pure freedom.

                    Remember the rodeo saying “Pain is guaranteed, suffering is up to you.” So, dust yourself off, grow up and get back in the saddle. It’s the only way to get there from here and its one heck of a ride.

                                     We pray with courage and faith that his will be done.

                        .           In the name of our savior Jesus Christ of The Nazarene.

                                                        Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus 




Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week of 11-05-12


I have an eighteen year old Ford pick-up. I’m starting to hear thumps and clanks here and there. It’s time to take her into the shop for some T.L.C. See this truck has dents, rust and the paints bad. You have to roll down the driver’s window in order to get out because there is no inside door handle. The passenger door must be unlocked from inside because the outside key lock does not work.

I used to use it to harrow the arena before I owned a tractor. It has never not started rather it be in the dead of winter or overheat on the hottest summers days. It’s strange to think of a machine in this was but it has been loyal to me. Years ago I would have simply went out and bought a new truck. Yet, something about this truck has endured itself to me. Flawed but always willing to do the next job. I’m content with the flaws keeping in mind its dependability. 

Maybe, I’m thinking that how the Lord looks at us. Love is not blind but love sees more than the flaws. True contentment is grateful for the blessings that God has given us not worrying about your worldly desires. The Devil loves distractions. The commercials we see on the television ads telling us how happy and complete are lives would be if we only had this latest product. Spending our hard earned money on “keeping up with the Jones”, spending our time at work to get ahead for our families that we never see. Washing the car instead of throwing the ball with our kids. Are we all totally missing the target?

We, right now need to enjoy the good things not looking to the future good things or longing for the past good things but enjoy what lies right in front of us. The state of happiness and satisfaction is the art of living in the now. Thankful for the often overlooked blessings of each day.

The Lord promises to give us anything we want, provided it is of his will and contentment definitely something that is in his will. That is were we must place our trust, “Of his will”. Anything other than that is simply other than that. Only a fool would endlessly pursue pleasure, when it ultimately is unsatisfying. Be content with yourself and all that God has given you. Find that peace and so much more will be given.

Remember: Contentment is the realization that life in itself  is a gift not a right.

                          May God your heavenly father bless and hold you well.
                          In the name of our savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.
                                           Cowboy pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, October 29, 2012

10-29-12/ MONDAY
A few years back we had a filly that one of my daughters was going to train for barrel racing. As with many young uneducated horses, this one had a few corks. The one I found most bothersome was her not willing to be tied out. I feel there is nothing more crazed than to tie your horse to a hitching post only to have it throw a fit. Not only is it a danger to itself and you, but its pretty hard on the tack and hitching post as well. So, I had a friend show me a “for sure and certain way” of tying the filly out that would brake her of this terrible habit.
The very next day I put theory to the test. I tied the filly to the hitching post just as I was shown to do. I stepped back and looked at the filly and the way she was tied and thought this just might work. She raised her head a little bit and stepped back, only to realize that the new pressure she found was not much to her liking so she stepped forward to where she should be. The filly did this about three times and then just stood in place and looked at me as if to say “uncle”. Proud of myself and the newly educated horse, I thought I would let her stand there for a while till she learned respect and I would go into the house for some lunch. I let my guard down, thinking I had one this battle.
When I returned I found not only the filly missing but the hitching post had hightailed it as well. I went and found her on the other side of the property, grazing with the hitching post in tow about ten feet behind her (humbled once again). My Grandfather used to tell me “If ya want to hear God laugh just tell him your plans.” And  it is the same with spiritual warfare. Just as soon as ya think ya got her tied down, she’s up and running again.

We must all understand that spiritual warfare is a war between two kingdoms and that God gave us free will. You and I have to choose whom we serve. The evidence of what kingdom we serve is heard in our words (Mat.15:1). “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12). High places? Your thinking, high places are the minds and thoughts of man. One of the strong holds of the enemy is the inability to access forgiveness.
We all will face hatred, resentment; fear, bitterness, rejection, jealousy and envy just to name a few. Our enemies are not other people, but in Satan and he will test us to find our weak walls. There are those of us that want the profit but do not want to pay the bills. We surly want forgiveness when it comes to our actions but will not forgive the actions or words of another. We feel that their injustices are far greater then ours. All warfare is based on deception. A smart warrior can defeat a strong one. The Lord’s wisdom is our greatest weapon. God tells us to love. Love begets forgiveness. We must give away the very thing we want.

Remember: When cowboys are too old to set bad examples, they start handin out good advice.
                                      May God our heavenly father bless and hold you well.
                                      In the name of our savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene
                                                      Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, October 22, 2012

Week of 10-22-12 MONDAY

I was out lunging the big gray gelding, when through the dust rising up I could see the faint outline of “Wyoming” standing at the rail as if he was evaluating every step of the gray and every movement of mine. Then Wyoming would turn, in a flurry of tail and dust, as if to say we did not meet his approval and ran and bucked his way to the other side of the property. Then with a loud snort, turns and looks at the gray and I to make sure that the two of us observed the proper way a horse of such spirit gets it done.

As the cool air if mid October blew across my face and hands, I could feel the change of season approaching. As I continued to work the gray, I thought back to the many years I spent working Wyoming. This past spring he turned twenty years old. I still ride Wyoming but I do not work him. He has a health issue that I must take care of. (Like Me a little slower, a little stiffer and now we enjoy taking a nap when the day and time is right.)  Wy, as family calls him is a champion; ribbons, trophies and a belt buckle all his, plus racing champion bloodlines. Riding him makes me feel like the man I always wanted to be. It makes me feel like the champion that he is. As we both age the spirit is willing but the flesh grows weak. The finger prints of God are all over Wy. What a blessing that God should lend me such a horse.

Just is in the change of seasons, Life itself is temporary. “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered and that my life is fleeing away” (Psalm 39:4) I hear tell that most people’s greatest fear is death. I would have to humbly disagree. I would say the greatest fear of people is to live. To live in the faith of your lord Jesus Christ. To love and to forgive. To live with no greed, no judgment, no boasting but in the Lord. To live in the light and chase the darkness while having no fear of the devil. “We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen” (2 Corinthians 4:18). Now that is the way to go out with your boots on, if you ask me that’s living.

What amazes me most about the good Lord is the price he paid for an old broken down race horse like me. He gave something perfect in exchange for something that is complete imperfection. Bowed tendons, Roman nose, swaybacked and lame at the run but he still promises to stable me in the same barn as his unflawed champions. Imagine that! A wretch like me running with a heard like that. What a loving father we have.

Remember: No time of life is wasted while in the saddle, laughing with a friend until it hurts or thanking the Lord for his many blessings.

                                              May God our heavenly father hold you well.
                                              In the name of our savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.
                                              Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week of October 15, 2012

                                           CRUSADER’S DEVOTIONAL
                                               October 15, 2012 / Monday

 At the beginning of last week, I was blessed to be able to enjoy watching children and adults participate in a gymkhana. Now, to the casual observer this may look like just another horseback competition, but if you were to observe what was really happening you would see the lesson being taught and learned. The kids would do their very best to maneuver a half ton animal through different courses as fast as they could possibly go while still maintaining control. Sometimes the horse was more than willing and other times not so much. Some of the faces would show pure happiness and yet other faces would show pure uncertainty. It was clear who had practiced their new found skills and equally obvious who may have let distractions interfere with their performance that given week.

Ya see, the lesson was in the challenge of adversity and all the children were learning not only what adversity was, but how to deal with it in the proper way. Some learned to become faster riders; some learned better horsemanship and some came back from coming off the horse and landing in the dirt only to win. I was very proud of all of them. I must admit my favorite part was at the end of the competition. All the competitors would stand in the arena and await to hear their times and placing. A much deserved ribbon would be awarded to those who meet the challenge and stayed focused on the matter at hand. The anticipation on each face was priceless. Then the smiles and joy came with hearing their names called out and receiving their just reward. This moment softened my heart.

It reminded me of the day each of us will face. When we all shall stand in the final arena waiting to hear our name be called out. Wondering if we did it right. Did we live the life that was pleasing to God? Was Jesus Christ our Lord and savior? Did we invite Jesus into our lives? Did we live a life in service to him or to ourselves? Did we bring glory to his name or shame? Did we seek his wisdom or wallow in our own ignorance and pride.

I guess I’d ask everyone did you “practice your event” or did the distractions interfere with your performance? Will you hear your name called out or will you hit the dirt? We must be able to say with a strong heart” I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim. 4:7).In that final arena, the blue ribbon will be to hear the words of our heavenly father say “well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matt.25:21) 

Remember:  Don’t take it for granted, take it with a grin and make sure to say “Amen”.
                                       May God our heavenly father bless and hold you well
                                       In the name of our savior Jesus Chirt of the Nazarene.

                                       Cowboy Pastor Ty Nazarenus

Monday, October 8, 2012

Week of October 7th

Weekly Devotional
10-07-12/ Sunday

I apologize for last week’s devotional not getting done, but my job got in the way. Well,
it’s started. The presidential election debates. The elephants and the donkeys are at it
again. Attack ads on the television, the mudslinging and character defamation all part of
the carnage. Both men, with their own self interests, want us to feel that those interests
must be ours as well. Taxes, war, the environment, the “middle class” and those that have
(and worked for it) must share it with those that have not. The list goes on and on. One
man claims one thing while the other claims something else. The only thing they can
agree on is that the other’s to blame for the crazy on goings of the nation and the rest of
the world. It always seems that there is a lot of childishness (me, me, and me) involved.
For if they truly cared about the same thing, us, how could they not agree and work
together for the common good. For such is the world of man.

In spiritual warfare, a selection must be made as well. So who is it that we are to select?
As in this country there are two choices. The first has already and still to this day and
minute serves us. The other will have you serving him. The first is full of truth and
nothing but and the second is full of deception and nothing but.

Ya see, in this selection your group is either a sheep or you’re a goat (Matthew 25: 31-34)
Trust me on this, there is a far greater consequence than four years of bad policies. Your
eternity and earthly well being rests upon your selection. Now, if you join the goats your
existence is in a culture that glorifies materialism and self-gratification and the ignorance
of self-reliance. If you select to be a sheep you glorify a kingdom of love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentles and self control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Which horse do you have saddled? Hope it is the right one, because you’re going to be
riding it for a long, long, long time.

Remember: There ain’t no horse that can’t be rode, there ain’t a cowboy that can’t be
throwed. Be humble but take courage in the Lord.

May God our Heavenly Father bless and hold you well.
In the name of our Savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

Cowboy Pastor; Ty Nazarenus

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week of September 23



Week of September 23


Well here it is the end of September and almost October. I love the season of fall. .Now, coming up in the month of November is the Breeders Cup. The World Thoroughbred Championships. The best horses, jockeys and trainers in the word meet for two full days of dirt and turf racing. As just a fan, an observer, I can only imagine what it must feel like to compete in such high level events let alone win. Those special feelings are saved for, and rightfully so, those who participate.


This reminds me that faith without works is dead, just as the body is dead without the spirit. There are a lot of Christians who are sitting in the bleachers of life instead of being in the event. These “squatters” will never know the feeling of engaging in battle. The thrill of a victory over the enemy is promised. We are told hat we are more than conquers and not to fear. “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” (Mark 4:40). I know that you must meet fear to have courage, but is that not part of the thrill? Is this that not part of the victory? How we live revels what we believe.


Without deeds (actions) we have an unchanged life and a spiritually hard heart. As Christians we are to become Christ like and our hearts are to soften.


There is a saying in the rodeo world, “Pain is guaranteed, suffering is up to you”. I would rather feel the pain of righteous battle then the suffering of fear.


                               May God our Heavenly father bless and hold you well.

                               In the name of our savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.


                               Cowboy Pastor T. Nazarenus