Monday, March 4, 2013

Week of 3/5



Can you believe it? Another week has come and gone. How quickly time passes. It makes me wonder, are we getting the most out of it? Or is it “just another day”, lets just get through it and soon it will be Friday. I hope with all my heart that we are not riding this train of thought. Each day is a gift, for who knows what tomorrow may bring. None of us are promised a tomorrow, Life can turn on a dime. Prepare for tomorrow, but be thankful for today. I wish for us all to pray with humility and thankfulness to our Lord for ALL his blessings, including this very day. Let it not pass without a moment of kindness and love, with a thought of Jesus in our minds and a word of Jesus’ love on your lips. “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24).

Sunday was a very special day for me. If there was ever a day that made my heart smile it was one of them. I got to spend time with family and just being around them makes me feel “right”. After brunch, my son Nick, renewed his wedding vows with his beautiful wife Jess. Then a little later in the day, I got to spend time with some of the Crusader girls. We all got to go bare back riding on the horses and laugh and enjoy the company of each other. Then we got out the ATV and did some mudding. The ground was still real wet ( the wheels would just spin) so the area was not perfect for mudding but while waiting for turns on the ATV, some how a mud fight broke out. I must give credit where credit is due. The girls have pretty good aim! (Let me just say I think now I’ll buy a new hat). The laughter was well worth the price of a new hat!

I feel we must listen to what a person has to say, but feel the truth can often be seen in what a person does. Ya know, a person wrapped in themselves makes for a small bundle. How and where we spend our time tells a lot about a person, just as walking into a persons house tells a lot about them because you see things that are not said. Often times it is not what is said that we are remembered for, but what represents us and how we represent what we believe in. Mere words may get peoples attention for a short time but our deeds, our laughter, our uplifting presence is what brings memories of joy to others. As believers, living the life Jesus won for us leaves a very strong legacy for the next generation to follow.

We need believers who will not be swayed by the culture or afraid of criticism. We must live, laugh and love like there is no day but today. This alone will drive the devil crazy, I say so be it (Amen) he has been defeated already. He has been benched. Do not even allow him in the game. The devil is a punk and a bully. He does not even belong in our presence.

Remember: This life is not a dress rehearsal. There is no do over. Embrace the now, let up on the reins a little bit. Pray and enjoy what our Heavenly Father has given us, today .

Father, I pray that we all find our smiles. Life is short and I look forward to being with you, as for now. I choose to enjoy all your gifts and search for your wisdom. From a thankful heart, I praise your name.

In the name of Jesus Christ of the Nazarene

Cowboy Pastor Ty

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