Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Week of 7/8

07-09-2013/ Tuesday

Hello all, and thank you so much for taking time and reading what God is teaching me as I share it with you. Wow! This week, or should I say this one incident, brought the fruit that the Crusaders have been working toward for the last two years. It was not trophies, ribbons, or the cheering of a large crowd at a parade, or the applause of a charity event. It was in a hot, dusty, practice arena with no one around but the team. 

As popularity would have it, it seems we have be come a barrel racing team for all the girls. Now the trainers have not lost sight of horsemanship skills in place of speed, so we thought a good thing to work on would be the use of riding using the rider’s legs and lead changes for the horses. We were working on riding through the pole pattern. That’s when it all started. A young rider’s horse reared and flipped over. Now, if you have not seen such a thing, you do not want to. For those that have, you know how bad this can be for the rider and the horse. As God would have it that day; we had two parents who have worked in emergency rooms at hospitals. They went right to work checking the young girl for injuries. Long story short, they did not like what they saw. “Flight for Life” was called in and the girl was taken out by helicopter. 

During all of this, the rest of the team was told to dismount, untack, and quickly put their horses in their stalls due the helicopter coming. They and all the parents did so with out hesitation. After the rider was loaded into the helicopter, I watched it take off and fly away. My heart sank clear down to my boots. I said a prayer and turned around and what I saw, even at a time like this brought me great joy. The team had formed prayer circles. Some were on their knees- others bowed their heads in humility as the words were spoken. They have learned where the tall grass grows and cool water can be found. They leaned not on their own understanding but in God’s. The team showed courage and obedience to their worldly leaders as well as to the Lord. They showed the love of one of their own and then praise God, I, as one of the leaders and a teacher, was reminded once again that I am the student.

“Then what shall we say to these things? If God is with us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). As it turned out, the rider suffered no serious bodily harm. Some say it was the helmet that saved her, others say it was the way she feels about God. I believe “Even before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24). I believe she was under the protection of God’s promise, “…The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long, and he shall dwell between his shoulders.” (Deuteronomy 33:12). I say it is because she and her family gave glory to God before darkness came. Every hope of the human mind will be fulfilled if it is noble and of God. But what is stressing is waiting for God. He will bring fulfillment, “because you have kept My command to persevere…” (Revelation 3:10).

Sometimes in life bad things happen to good people, it’s not Gods doing but it is written he will always be there. “Take courage I am here.” (Mark 6:50).

“Keep yourselves in the love of God.”

I pray this for all. In the Name of Jesus Christ of the Nazarene 

Cowboy Pastor Ty

Pastor Ty@CrusdaersEquestrian.org

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