Monday, October 8, 2012

Week of October 7th

Weekly Devotional
10-07-12/ Sunday

I apologize for last week’s devotional not getting done, but my job got in the way. Well,
it’s started. The presidential election debates. The elephants and the donkeys are at it
again. Attack ads on the television, the mudslinging and character defamation all part of
the carnage. Both men, with their own self interests, want us to feel that those interests
must be ours as well. Taxes, war, the environment, the “middle class” and those that have
(and worked for it) must share it with those that have not. The list goes on and on. One
man claims one thing while the other claims something else. The only thing they can
agree on is that the other’s to blame for the crazy on goings of the nation and the rest of
the world. It always seems that there is a lot of childishness (me, me, and me) involved.
For if they truly cared about the same thing, us, how could they not agree and work
together for the common good. For such is the world of man.

In spiritual warfare, a selection must be made as well. So who is it that we are to select?
As in this country there are two choices. The first has already and still to this day and
minute serves us. The other will have you serving him. The first is full of truth and
nothing but and the second is full of deception and nothing but.

Ya see, in this selection your group is either a sheep or you’re a goat (Matthew 25: 31-34)
Trust me on this, there is a far greater consequence than four years of bad policies. Your
eternity and earthly well being rests upon your selection. Now, if you join the goats your
existence is in a culture that glorifies materialism and self-gratification and the ignorance
of self-reliance. If you select to be a sheep you glorify a kingdom of love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentles and self control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Which horse do you have saddled? Hope it is the right one, because you’re going to be
riding it for a long, long, long time.

Remember: There ain’t no horse that can’t be rode, there ain’t a cowboy that can’t be
throwed. Be humble but take courage in the Lord.

May God our Heavenly Father bless and hold you well.
In the name of our Savior Jesus Christ of the Nazarene.

Cowboy Pastor; Ty Nazarenus

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